Tuesday 29 May 2012

The making Video (Day 2)

Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

We continue to record our video, at 9am we start to prepare, wear our costume and make a little discussion. In the second day, we change our last scene with the scene the witches meet with Hecat. We change the scene last minute because we don't have enough time to do the scene where Macbeth went to the witches to hear his prophecy. We ask Sammy to act as Hecat.

The making Video (Day 1)

Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

     We start filming the first scene where the witches kill a innocent girl. This scene suppose to happen in the forest. So we choose to film this scene at the field near the Complex Academic. In this scene I act as the innocent girl who will be kill by the witches. While doing this scene I have to wear costume that show I was in historical period. I also have to run a couple of time and show the expression that I was been chased by someone. Actually while doing this scene, we were playing around and having fun. We doing this scene at the evening and while we were recording, a security guard come to us and told us that we have to leave the place at 7pm because people won't be aloud to be there after 7pm.  

Video discussion

 Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

      We discuss about the scene that we will be doing. All of us choose to do the witches scene because we thing that witches scene is important in Macbeth and also because our group members all girls. We decide to take a few witches scene from the play and make it in one video. I think that the witches scene is really interesting because without the witches prophecy I think that Macbeth won't become ambition and start to dreaming to become the King. Without the withes scene the story will not develop to tragedy. First we decide to create a short scene to introduce the witches as a evil character by showing the witches killing innocent girl. We also want do the scene where the witches meeting Macbeth for the first time when they give Macbeth the prophecy because this scene is the reason Macbeth start thinking to become the king and the start of the tragedy. The last scene that we choose is the scene where Macbeth come to meet the witches a gain to hear the prophecy.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Fate and Prophecy

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) --- (4th entry)

 Prophecy.   Fate. 

  These words have been crossing my mind for the last two days. I have related them to the two stories I have read. I have also compared them with my own culture.

  In "Macbeth", the witches told Macbeth his fortune. As a result, he fought hard to achieve it. In "Oedipus Rex", Oedipus's father was told by a fortune teller that his son would kill him and marry the mother. As a result, he tried to fight against it. But in both stories, the prophecy came true.

  I remembered last semester (while we were doing 'Oedipus' with Dr Habsah) about the different views I have heard on the topic of prophecy and fate. Some believe that we can escape our own fate. Others believe that we can change it.

  Before I continue further, I would like to explain a bit about my culture as well as my experience in fortune telling. In Kelantan, there is still the practice of fortune telling. The way to read our fortune differs; some through reading our palms, some through tarot cards and some through our birth date.  It is common that we hear people suggesting to others who are facing hard times to go seek a fortune teller. A fortune teller could be a human or they could also be a higher being. I am not sure where to find a human fortune teller, but I do know of where you can go to seek some advice from a higher being. Normal humans cannot see nor can they talk to any higher beings. This can only happen when there is a medium present. I can only explain a "medium" as a person that is chosen by the higher beings to be temporarily possessed so that they may give guidance to the normal human beings.

  Since I was young, I did not like the idea of fortune telling. I was afraid that my future might not very bright.  Or that if I know my future, it might never come true; like the Chinese saying "the secret of the heaven cannot be told/known" (A rough translation. This saying means that we are not suppose to know the secrets of heaven. If it is known, then it might not come true.)

  But last semester break, my good friend, who was facing some trouble with her life, asked if I was interested to go see a fortune teller. And I said yes. The fortune teller was an old man. He asked for our birth date, month and year. Next, he flipped through an old looking book with Siamese writing. After that, he asked what we wanted to know.

My friend was first. The old man was very good. He told my friend what her problem was and told her not to worry as she will meet a person who will help her with her problem in a month time. A month later, what he said come true.

 I was next. I had no idea what to ask, as I was not facing any trouble in my life. So my friend suggested that he told me about my general fortune/future. After a few seconds, he told me that my life was good. That "the god is looking after me" (His exact words). So until today, I still hold true to his words and believe that life is good to me and I can achieve whatever I want to achieve.
  In a way, I do understand why Macbeth held on to the witches' prophecy and did whatever he thinks is necessary to make it happen.  I also understand why Oedipus's father was trying very hard to make sure his fate never came true. I believe that humans need reassurance in their life. Human wants security in their life. Macbeth wanted the reassurance that he will be king and he got it from the witches' prophecy. As a result, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth took some brave steps to make their dream came true. In  "Oedipus Rex". Oedipus' father wanted to be sure that he would not be killed by his son, therefore, he tried to kill Oedipus when he was just a baby.
Today, if a person ask my opinion on fate and fortune telling, I would tell them that I do believe in them. I believe that we can change our fate for the better or worse. If we ever did anything bad in this life time, we will definitely pay for it. We might not suffer the consequences in this life time, but we will definitely suffer during our next life time. Also, if a fortune teller tells me that my future might be dark, I will definitely take the necessary steps to make it a bit brighter. Although I am not sure if I would take the same drastic steps that Macbeth and his wife took in the novel.

Friday 25 May 2012

A Good Day for the Witches' outing.

Gan Shiau Yin (154568)   -- (3rd entry)

As my group members have named ourselves the "Five Weird Sisters", there is no surprise that we have only chose make our video on the three witches in Macbeth.

It was fun shooting the video. The most memorable thing for me would be the first day of shooting,  when all five weird sisters were walking from our kolej to the Kompleks Mahasiswa to shoot our video.

 Along the way, we picked up some dried leaves, some short tree branches that looks like wands in Harry Potter as well as the ones that looks like the staff from Lord of the Rings, which was as tall as Zara. Everyone was looking at us, everyone including the people in cars that was just driving through as well as the students who were sitting on both sides of the Kompleks Mahasiswa and FBMK's bus stations.

It was very very funny scene. It was a pity we could not stop and take a picture of it, because all our members were embarrassed about it. I remembered Fatin saying to all of us that we should show our matrix card in case the security people thought that we were a group of psychos and should be arrested.

We chose the empty area between the DKAP and the Kompleks Mahasiswa because it was such a big place and there will be a less possibility of getting any modern vehicles in our scenes. While the 3 witches (Zara, Fatin and Nik) were preparing themselves, Nadiya (the victim) and I (the camera woman) decided to take some scenes of the victim trying to escape the witches. I think Nadiya was addicted to the idea of being a victim because she was suggesting to me that we go deeper into the trees as it look gloomy and scary. Also, she would always fall down for the scene where she was facing the witches before I had the chance to say "action".

It was definitely a good day. At the end of day, all of us have rashes on our body, especially Nadiya as she was the victim and had to roll around on the grasses. We even had a security guide telling us to leave the place at 7pm because the place was said to be very haunted.

It was truly an experience that have made the weird sisters closer than ever.

Ps; This memo was left for Zara, Nik and Nadiya because Fatin and I went to buy our dinner. The Five Weird sisters is no longer a nickname, but who we are. cheers!!! ^-^

Lady Macbeth : Such an Inspiration!

 By : Gan Shiau Yin   (154568) ---- (2nd entry)

Today, we went through Macbeth Act 1, Scene 4 to seven as well as Act  2 Scene 1.

While we were discussing about these scenes, I found myself falling in love with Lady Macbeth. I love that she knows what she wants in life. I love her feisty attitude. But most importantly, I love that she is a woman.

While we were discussing Lady Macbeth, we agree that she is cruel and ambitious character. The things she said, for example,
"I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me;
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, have I so sworn"

I agree that what she said is very, very, very, cruel. But when I look at it from another perspective, I see her as determined person. Lady Macbeth knows what what she wants in life and she goes all out to achieve her goals.

The more we read and discuss about Lady Macbeth in class in the early Acts and Scenes, the more I found myself thinking of how she brave and dangerous she is. While we were reading, I started to remember the reasons that made me feel in love with the Hong Kong dramas that focuses on the life of the emperor's concubines. Usually in these dramas, the concubines are cruel for killing their servants, bribing the royal doctors to cause miscarriages to other concubines etc etc.

But at the beginning of these dramas, the concubines are usually innocent, which is why i love them even more. In my own weird ways, I always root for the concubine who started off innocent but had to be cruel to survive in the palace. Whenever I watch these dramas I would always remember a phrase, "Hell have no fury like a woman's scorn".

These women who are cruel and dangerous and that makes me feel proud to be woman. It reminds me that even though people might see me as patient and weak, that they might be able to push me around; but if I was one day push to the corner, I believe that I can be more cruel that what they have ever did to me. In a weird way, these women gives me strength to believe that I am not someone they can push around whenever they like. It also gives me strength  to believe that it is worth being patient in life and not cause trouble.

Which is way I love the way how Lady Macbeth is portrayed in these early Acts.

ps: It also reminds that I have to find fictitious novels on Anne Boleyn (Thanks to Fatin Nabila for introducing her to me.)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm glad. (Zara-6th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (6th entry)

Hi. meet again. anyway just feel glad about the marks for the storyboard and video presentation. It is sort of last minute work, and also got changing of plan in the making, i feel quite uneasy about it. By the way thanks Ms Dzeelfa for the compliment of  best storyboard. Somehow i feel my group develops consistently during your course supervision, we starts at zero, we always blur in the beginning, but i think we perform much better in next tasks given to us. We do learn from mistakes. It is not just Macbeth, but other minor presentations also.  For instance, we try to give the best input during Rumpelstiltskin because our friends already know about it. We learn to give something fresh and interesting. Maybe we are not good as other groups, but i could see my group's development day to day. However Macbeth video project is like the ultimate challenge, because we need several meetings to plan it carefully despite time limitation and heavy workload. Two of our group members, Nik and Nadiya were very busy with college event, but they manage to give co-operation very very well. Thanks to all my group-mates! (^^,) About the post test, i feel more confident when answering it for the second time. I don't know whether my answers are correct or not, because i may not remember every details and understand every word, but at least i know the entire story, what it is all about. Thanks for making me 'heart' Macbeth, at least. :)

Video Finale 1 (Zara-5th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (5th entry)

Hi. yeah, finally done with the video project- the classic adaptation. A slight change has been made, we changed the last part which formerly should be the scene of the witches call three apparitions for Macbeth from Act 4 scene 1 to the scene from Act 3, scene 5 where the witches meet Hecat. We changed it last minute because there would be so many things to be done and arranged in the making of the scene. The scene where the witches meet Hecat is simpler. By the way thank you to Sammy for helping us out. I'm glad because finally we can finished the project on time. I may say it is successful for us, even though the video quality is not so good compare to the others. In the bunch bunch of assignments, we managed to do it. On behalf of my group members, as i did the editing, i want to say sorry for any imperfection in the video making. The most important is, i do learn something from this project. (^^,) Sometimes i feel enjoy to talk in old English - though i do not understand all the meanings. :) see you again.

Friday 18 May 2012

Storyboard (Zara-4th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (4th post)

Storyboard had been sent. Somehow that's quite a relief! Actually I feel that the task development have benefited greatly from the storyboard. It's like an activity sheet for a lesson plan. We plan the sequence, and put them into practicality in a worksheet. It gives a clearer image of what we're gonna do. And the video-making process itself would be like teaching & learning presentation. Moreover, it's like the brainstorming stage during essay writing.

I think i gained more understanding on the text when we discussed on the storyboard. What should be sketched on the paper? we looked deep into the script, and we could find some lines which were ambiguous, that we don't know how to interpret them into drawing. Our interpretation might be correct but in the context of the story, it might be wrong. If we didn't went through the process, maybe we just passed by those meaningful lines. And the video-making process would be more difficult because we don't know how to transform the lines into real acts.

The most important is, i enjoy doing storyboard. (^^,)

Monday 14 May 2012

Video vs microteaching.............

In my opinion, creating video is the most effective way to make students actually do some research and read about certain text.......especially classic text...... In fact, it is more effective than microteaching because in order to do lesson plan for microteaching...Many of us just skip through the reading process...We just jump into summary n read it….if the text is a drama text...we just ignore the script…..because in order to teach character or theme….we can just read the reference in the internet…..however, in order to create a video...we need to do a lot of research to make sure that we get the clearer view  of the scene  that we need to act……otherwise, we will be acting a wrong scene ( I mean wrong interpretation of the scene )…..for example…..we need to read the book to choose the scenes….and other than that….we also downloaded a few version of videos of the scenes that we are interested in because we want to know  on how to pronounce certain words which sometimes  very ancient to us…….the language used in the Macbeth was very challenging to us because we never heard of such ancient words before…. We tried to pronounce using our own knowledge...Sadly we failed (it was sound like France rather than English)...so we decided to find the videos and learn from them…….thank god….we have YouTube……now we knew and even practice how to pronounce those peculiar words…...Another problem that we have faced during the discussion was about certain terms….we were afraid that they have different meaning from what we have understood….because in the last few semester… I have came across the word “file” in the Great Expectation…..I thought the file was the file (the thing we use to put paper inside)…but it was not…it was a knife….hhaha…..Thus, to avoid misinterpretation..We have decided to ask Miss Dzelfa about the words “armed head” and “crown child”…..Actually we have interpreted the “armed head” as a soldier head…however..on the second thought, it came across us that the “armed head” maybe the creature with arm and head only…..it was because the phrase appeared during the witches scene…the scene when the witches call all of the weird creature…..and our brain started to think about weird creature rather than the logic one….it is funny how our brains work….we can create a crazy thought based on the crazy context….in our case,  the witches context….First our thought was logic until we switched the logic context to the witches context which is the crazy one…..
p/s: Thank you a lot for Miss Dzelfa for the information..Otherwise we will be creating the “armed head” creature….the creature with the arm…….hahahhahahahahah

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Ambitious (Zara-3rd)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (3rd post)

Hi, again. Tonight i am too enthusiastic about Macbeth, maybe because i read most of the acts and understand the story. But still, i love Hamlet more. :) 

Ms Dzeelfa has talked about ambitious in class that day, how ambitious Lady Macbeth to see her husband as a king. Today we learnt about Rumpelstiltskin, and again i think about ambitious. The parents are so ambitious to see their daughter marries a king. I could say every people are ambitious in their own way, like Ms Dzeelfa said, even our parents expect something from us. And i think, even God expects worship from us. We live in expectation of many people. And yes, sometimes expectation drives us to blindness- related to my previous entry.

This is a story about me. My parents expects me to be a lawyer, so i did my diploma in law. They are very ambitious to see me in that sophisticated suit, handling cases in a court chamber. I was too young and immature, thus  i followed blindly to their desire. Three years passed, i successfully finished law school. Fortunately i didn't do LLB so i can further my degree for what i wanted. When I was offered to be in Tesl UPM , I was lying to my parents at the first place that i was not accepted to further my studies in law school. They look very sad and disappointed, especially my mother. I feel guilty and tell the truth that i have my own wish. They even think to send me off overseas to further study in law school, but i rejected. Until my 2nd year of Tesl, my mother still ask me if there's any way to get me back in law school.. And till now, I can't share with them very much about any difficulties i have during my studies or else, my mom will answer, "that's your choice." 

Pertaining to Macbeth, yes his wife is so ambitious. She suggested the murder, influenced  her husband to do such wrongdoing and she is so determine that "[a] little water clears us of this deed". However later, she becomes wracked with guilt from the crimes she and her husband have committed. In the sleepwalk, she tries to wash off imaginary bloodstains from her hands, all the while speaking of the terrible things she knows she pressed her husband to do- she dreams high, but it kills her. 

And Macbeth, even though the witches gave him the prophecies, but it is his choice to follow his wife's plan to murder Duncan and yet more people. The witches never ask him to murder people, they just told him what will happen. But, AMBITIOUS led him to grasp the dream faster. Who knows, if Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were not so ambitious to obtain kingship, maybe one fine day, Macbeth could be the real king in a right way. Maybe Malcolm dies naturally in the act of God then Duncan appoints Macbeth as the king. Who knows.. who knows.. Whatever it is, always do things in a good faith, it pays sooner or later. 

Blindness (Zara-2nd)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (2nd post)

Hi. here come my second entry. Tonight we had our discussion again. Scenes had been selected, storyboard were designed roughly. As we said before, we are so interested into the witches and prophecies. Thus there are two significant scenes about the three witches, Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 4 Scene 1. Why witches? Why not other characters such as Macbeth himself, Lady Macbeth, Duncan or Macduff? All my group-mates think that witches are significant, but each of us has our own reasons. 

From my point of view, i see the witches as significant characters because Macbeth was influenced by the first prophecies that he shall be the King. In other words, the three witches led Macbeth to blindness. He did wrongdoings, murders, because he believes the prophecies blindly. Even though he didn't want to believe at the first place, but he starts to believe when he became Thane of Cawdor, the desire to be a king becomes stronger. When he became King Macbeth, he visits the witches again, for the next prophecies. As he too believes that no one of woman born can harm him, he feels very secured and that leads to his death; in this case- Macduff.

Blindness; yes i found this issue in OEDIPUS too. Laius and Oedipus both believe in the Oracles' prophecies. Because of that, both did wrong acts. Laius wants to kill his own child, Oedipus married his own mother and killed his own father. This issue keeps going, even in this modern world. We might not have the witches and oracles to give such prophecies, but sometimes most of us tend to follow blindly to what other people are saying. People will always be nice in talking, "I think you should do this.....", "I think you'd better choose this..." yada yada yada... We have to ask ourselves, "What I Want?" instead of just following other's says.  

Sometimes, somehow, we need to convince people that we are not them. Their opinions might be good, but we should have faith in what best for us. People are not God, they can prophesy but the destiny is not in their hands. Even though we have taken the wrong path (not wrong acts!) to follow our dreams, sometimes it leads us to the right one, eventually. Sometimes we work hard to fulfill or please other people's desires, but in the end, we learnt that the hard work is not for us...

Monday 7 May 2012

Witches, Witches....Interesting Creatures

Good Day. Shiau Yin here. (154568) --- (1st entry)

  Our group members, whole-heartedly, decided to focus on the scene of the witches. I myself have always loved the elements of the supernatural.

  As I was not able to buy the novel (cause coincidently it was out of stock in both Borders and MPH); Therefore, I decided to just flip through and read about the scenes of the witches from the online sources.

  After the initial stage of hating the novel for being long-winded, I notice that I really like the way Shakespeare has written how the witches speak....

For example: (ACT IV, SCENE I.)


  When I read through them, I have a lot of problem pronouncing a lot of the words. (For the first time in my life, I was pronouncing the text with a very Chinese accent.)
  But I like how the script is written like an incantation, like a lyric to a song that we can song to. It takes a really creative mind to create such a wonderful creation. Although I might not enjoy some parts of how the way Shakespeare has written this novel, but for the witches’ scene, I think he did such wonderful justice towards it. Although I might understand the incantation, but still, I feel that it is itself a piece of wonderful poem or song.

  In Act 1, Scene 3,  I am very curious as to why Banquo says the witches were portrayed as hideous creature.

  I makes me wonder why witches can’t be pretty and sexy yet dangerous but instead to be portrayed by Shakespeare to be such ugly creature. Even the videos that Nik Musaini was able to find in Youtube also features creepy, ugly looking witches. I wonder if there is a reason why people portray them as so. But that’s just me.

  Today, I will be able to receive the novel from a friend. Therefore, I promise to brush up on my reading with the speed of light…^-^

Do i heart Macbeth? (Zara-1st)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (1st post)

Hi dearies. Shiau Yin has named this blog as 'I heart Macbeth'; i am wondering, do i love Macbeth? Maybe after I know the whole story i would fall in love with it. I ever heard about Macbeth, but i never read it even the synopsis. But now i did read the synopsis :) At the first place, the only thing i know about Macbeth is, it's Shakespeare's. I love his poems, but for classic transcripts, it's hard for me to read. For the first time i heard about Macbeth during my secondary, i suddenly thought about the tv series of 'Ally Mcbeal' starring by Calista Flockhart. Maybe it's because of the similarity of pronunciation. hehehe... The only serious play of Shakespeare that i read is Hamlet.  i guess it's an original version book. I was curious to know the real story after watching the movie version starring by Kenneth Branagh n Kate Winslet on tv.

Who is Shakespeare in my eyes? I already knew about Shakespeare before i enter secondary school because i read about his great masterpiece in newspapers/magazines, when there were new drama/theater/soaps had been published based on Shakespearean. And lastly, my sister gave me a book entitled 'The Sonnets-Poems of Love by William Shakespeare, published by St.Martin Press New York. It has 154 sonnets, i've read most of the poem but just read, but not really understand until i do Tesl. (^^.")

I adore Shakespeare, but i don't read much on his works. I read Measure for Measure, King Lear in drama class, but i didnt read it fully; too long. And of course Romeo & Juliet, the ultimate one which is very synonym with Shakespeare, this one i read many abridged versions of it. Poems, for sure the first one i read was Life Brief Candle because it was in kbsm Literature Component for form 1 and followed by Sonnet 18 in form 4 (1st cycle). Other plays by Shakepeare that i have heard are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Cleopatra, King Lear, Measure for Measure, Othello, Midsummer..., Wives windsor... Verona.... I can't remember the last three, it just came across my mind.

So, after the project is done, i hope I heart MACBETH!

Why oh why????......

We already have two meetings so far....congratulation to us.....we, the five weird sisters do have similarity regarding to our interest which will make it super easy for us to decide anything.....I love our collaboration….As usual, our interest will be very much relating to feminism and supernatural……thus, we have decided to use or to manipulate the witches scenes….. We have planned to combine a few of witches’ scenes n Macbeth....it was started when we did our research on a few version of Macbeth witches scenes (videos in YouTube) ……it was appealing to us so we have decided to do it…..we believed that the witches scene in the Macbeth are very crucial to the plot of the story…….through the scenes we hope that we will create suspense and trigger everybody to further their reading in the story……


The weird me.........

Have I heard about Macbeth before?.....Yes, I did....I've heard about it from my best friend in Terengganu....... She is doing Tesl in UPSI......However, I've been truly introduced to the Macbeth when Miss Dzelfa had first brought it to class during our first test.....At first, It never occur to me that there were actually two Macbeth in the text.. Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth……I do not know why, but I think that it was because in my mind Macbeth was always a girl/woman ( before I did the research on the text )……..Thus, when I read the different extracts that have been given to me in the class, I could not make sense of certain events in the Macbeth....- Of course I can’t make sense out of it since the events that happened in the extracts was not all about Lady Macbeth (female Macbeth).. But sometimes, it is about Macbeth (I mean the male Macbeth)…. Even though, I had the perception that there was only one Macbeth which is female Macbeth……However, as an avid reader I did realize that something not right on my perception since normally dialogues/ language used by female and male is different. No wonder, I’ve thought that Lady Macbeth’s dialogue was sometimes very rough (like a man language – Of course it was “man language” because IT WAS MACBETH’S dialogue not his wife)... Now, I’ve figured out the confusion that I have created by myself………”As a conclusion, impression of the gender towards characters does count in order to avoid brain complication“this statement I speak only for myself because I was crazy enough to make such impression…..

p/s : Do not worry Miss Dzelfa, now I know the difference…..hihihihi….and by the way I have spelled Macbeth as Mc beth before.. but I know it was wrong since the system in MPH Bookstore do not has the data about “Mc beth” but they do have about Macbeth..hahahha


Saturday 5 May 2012

1st macbeth discussion


Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

    Last Tuesday, our group have a 1st macbeth discussion. We discuss on the scene that we will be doing for our video project. All of our group member very interested on the witch scene from the macbeth story. We also discuss on how long we will do the video and what part we will be doing.

    During the discussion, i feel that this assignment is really hard to do. My group member also discuss on who will be acting as a witch. Actually, i don't really like acting, because it hard for me to memorize the script and understand the characters.

    To do this video, we try to find the example of macbeth scene from the internet so that we will get more idea to create the video.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

1st macbeth discussion (1)

Nik Musaini Nik Mustapha 153730


This is our first official meeting or discussion on the video project that we need to do.
(Actually we already had discuss about the video, but not really official like this.. =P)
we are currently still discussing the scene that we are going to choose,so for we are interested in the witches scene.

Personally, i think this task is quite challenging for me because i can't really understand this "Macbeth" story, plus..i don't really like literature and "ancient English language".  this story is quite "blur" to me.
the video is supposed to be a 10 minutes video. and i think it is quite long because before this we just have to do a 1 minute and 3 minutes video.

Thank god we have to do this in group.so, we can use 5 head in making this video. Hopefully, it will turn out well and we can cherish this new expirience..
Thank you, miss Dzeelfa.