Tuesday 1 May 2012

1st macbeth discussion (1)

Nik Musaini Nik Mustapha 153730


This is our first official meeting or discussion on the video project that we need to do.
(Actually we already had discuss about the video, but not really official like this.. =P)
we are currently still discussing the scene that we are going to choose,so for we are interested in the witches scene.

Personally, i think this task is quite challenging for me because i can't really understand this "Macbeth" story, plus..i don't really like literature and "ancient English language".  this story is quite "blur" to me.
the video is supposed to be a 10 minutes video. and i think it is quite long because before this we just have to do a 1 minute and 3 minutes video.

Thank god we have to do this in group.so, we can use 5 head in making this video. Hopefully, it will turn out well and we can cherish this new expirience..
Thank you, miss Dzeelfa.

1 comment:

  1. Ok great to see you being the first one posting on the blog. Yes, definitely not easy but you don't have to understand everything to enjoy the play. Just like your students dont have to be good in English to enjoy their literature component text.

    Be careful of your spelling my dear. Do edit your entries.

    I look forward to reading more reflections!
