Friday 25 May 2012

Lady Macbeth : Such an Inspiration!

 By : Gan Shiau Yin   (154568) ---- (2nd entry)

Today, we went through Macbeth Act 1, Scene 4 to seven as well as Act  2 Scene 1.

While we were discussing about these scenes, I found myself falling in love with Lady Macbeth. I love that she knows what she wants in life. I love her feisty attitude. But most importantly, I love that she is a woman.

While we were discussing Lady Macbeth, we agree that she is cruel and ambitious character. The things she said, for example,
"I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me;
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, have I so sworn"

I agree that what she said is very, very, very, cruel. But when I look at it from another perspective, I see her as determined person. Lady Macbeth knows what what she wants in life and she goes all out to achieve her goals.

The more we read and discuss about Lady Macbeth in class in the early Acts and Scenes, the more I found myself thinking of how she brave and dangerous she is. While we were reading, I started to remember the reasons that made me feel in love with the Hong Kong dramas that focuses on the life of the emperor's concubines. Usually in these dramas, the concubines are cruel for killing their servants, bribing the royal doctors to cause miscarriages to other concubines etc etc.

But at the beginning of these dramas, the concubines are usually innocent, which is why i love them even more. In my own weird ways, I always root for the concubine who started off innocent but had to be cruel to survive in the palace. Whenever I watch these dramas I would always remember a phrase, "Hell have no fury like a woman's scorn".

These women who are cruel and dangerous and that makes me feel proud to be woman. It reminds me that even though people might see me as patient and weak, that they might be able to push me around; but if I was one day push to the corner, I believe that I can be more cruel that what they have ever did to me. In a weird way, these women gives me strength to believe that I am not someone they can push around whenever they like. It also gives me strength  to believe that it is worth being patient in life and not cause trouble.

Which is way I love the way how Lady Macbeth is portrayed in these early Acts.

ps: It also reminds that I have to find fictitious novels on Anne Boleyn (Thanks to Fatin Nabila for introducing her to me.)

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