Monday 7 May 2012

Why oh why????......

We already have two meetings so far....congratulation to us.....we, the five weird sisters do have similarity regarding to our interest which will make it super easy for us to decide anything.....I love our collaboration….As usual, our interest will be very much relating to feminism and supernatural……thus, we have decided to use or to manipulate the witches scenes….. We have planned to combine a few of witches’ scenes n was started when we did our research on a few version of Macbeth witches scenes (videos in YouTube) ……it was appealing to us so we have decided to do it…..we believed that the witches scene in the Macbeth are very crucial to the plot of the story…….through the scenes we hope that we will create suspense and trigger everybody to further their reading in the story……


1 comment:

  1. Ok looking forward to see you witches in action!
