Monday 14 May 2012

Video vs microteaching.............

In my opinion, creating video is the most effective way to make students actually do some research and read about certain text.......especially classic text...... In fact, it is more effective than microteaching because in order to do lesson plan for microteaching...Many of us just skip through the reading process...We just jump into summary n read it….if the text is a drama text...we just ignore the script…..because in order to teach character or theme….we can just read the reference in the internet…..however, in order to create a video...we need to do a lot of research to make sure that we get the clearer view  of the scene  that we need to act……otherwise, we will be acting a wrong scene ( I mean wrong interpretation of the scene )…..for example…..we need to read the book to choose the scenes….and other than that….we also downloaded a few version of videos of the scenes that we are interested in because we want to know  on how to pronounce certain words which sometimes  very ancient to us…….the language used in the Macbeth was very challenging to us because we never heard of such ancient words before…. We tried to pronounce using our own knowledge...Sadly we failed (it was sound like France rather than English) we decided to find the videos and learn from them…….thank god….we have YouTube……now we knew and even practice how to pronounce those peculiar words…...Another problem that we have faced during the discussion was about certain terms….we were afraid that they have different meaning from what we have understood….because in the last few semester… I have came across the word “file” in the Great Expectation…..I thought the file was the file (the thing we use to put paper inside)…but it was not…it was a knife….hhaha…..Thus, to avoid misinterpretation..We have decided to ask Miss Dzelfa about the words “armed head” and “crown child”…..Actually we have interpreted the “armed head” as a soldier head…however..on the second thought, it came across us that the “armed head” maybe the creature with arm and head only… was because the phrase appeared during the witches scene…the scene when the witches call all of the weird creature…..and our brain started to think about weird creature rather than the logic one….it is funny how our brains work….we can create a crazy thought based on the crazy context….in our case,  the witches context….First our thought was logic until we switched the logic context to the witches context which is the crazy one…..
p/s: Thank you a lot for Miss Dzelfa for the information..Otherwise we will be creating the “armed head” creature….the creature with the arm…….hahahhahahahahah

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you should say that video making is more effective than micro teaching to encourage the understanding of a text. Although I see those two as different things, I'm glad to read that you actually have an opinion on it.

    Yes, a lot of terms and words may not mean the same in today's world. A pocket book is a big purse, can you ever guess that?
