Wednesday 9 May 2012

Blindness (Zara-2nd)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (2nd post)

Hi. here come my second entry. Tonight we had our discussion again. Scenes had been selected, storyboard were designed roughly. As we said before, we are so interested into the witches and prophecies. Thus there are two significant scenes about the three witches, Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 4 Scene 1. Why witches? Why not other characters such as Macbeth himself, Lady Macbeth, Duncan or Macduff? All my group-mates think that witches are significant, but each of us has our own reasons. 

From my point of view, i see the witches as significant characters because Macbeth was influenced by the first prophecies that he shall be the King. In other words, the three witches led Macbeth to blindness. He did wrongdoings, murders, because he believes the prophecies blindly. Even though he didn't want to believe at the first place, but he starts to believe when he became Thane of Cawdor, the desire to be a king becomes stronger. When he became King Macbeth, he visits the witches again, for the next prophecies. As he too believes that no one of woman born can harm him, he feels very secured and that leads to his death; in this case- Macduff.

Blindness; yes i found this issue in OEDIPUS too. Laius and Oedipus both believe in the Oracles' prophecies. Because of that, both did wrong acts. Laius wants to kill his own child, Oedipus married his own mother and killed his own father. This issue keeps going, even in this modern world. We might not have the witches and oracles to give such prophecies, but sometimes most of us tend to follow blindly to what other people are saying. People will always be nice in talking, "I think you should do this.....", "I think you'd better choose this..." yada yada yada... We have to ask ourselves, "What I Want?" instead of just following other's says.  

Sometimes, somehow, we need to convince people that we are not them. Their opinions might be good, but we should have faith in what best for us. People are not God, they can prophesy but the destiny is not in their hands. Even though we have taken the wrong path (not wrong acts!) to follow our dreams, sometimes it leads us to the right one, eventually. Sometimes we work hard to fulfill or please other people's desires, but in the end, we learnt that the hard work is not for us...

1 comment:

  1. We are the architect of our own destiny. At the end of the day, there is no one to blame for our failures. Macbeth can't blame the witches (for they never came back after certain acts in the play) or blame his wife (because he was still a beast after she died and she wasn't an active contributor to his decisions after she became sick with guilt)
