Wednesday 9 May 2012

Ambitious (Zara-3rd)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (3rd post)

Hi, again. Tonight i am too enthusiastic about Macbeth, maybe because i read most of the acts and understand the story. But still, i love Hamlet more. :) 

Ms Dzeelfa has talked about ambitious in class that day, how ambitious Lady Macbeth to see her husband as a king. Today we learnt about Rumpelstiltskin, and again i think about ambitious. The parents are so ambitious to see their daughter marries a king. I could say every people are ambitious in their own way, like Ms Dzeelfa said, even our parents expect something from us. And i think, even God expects worship from us. We live in expectation of many people. And yes, sometimes expectation drives us to blindness- related to my previous entry.

This is a story about me. My parents expects me to be a lawyer, so i did my diploma in law. They are very ambitious to see me in that sophisticated suit, handling cases in a court chamber. I was too young and immature, thus  i followed blindly to their desire. Three years passed, i successfully finished law school. Fortunately i didn't do LLB so i can further my degree for what i wanted. When I was offered to be in Tesl UPM , I was lying to my parents at the first place that i was not accepted to further my studies in law school. They look very sad and disappointed, especially my mother. I feel guilty and tell the truth that i have my own wish. They even think to send me off overseas to further study in law school, but i rejected. Until my 2nd year of Tesl, my mother still ask me if there's any way to get me back in law school.. And till now, I can't share with them very much about any difficulties i have during my studies or else, my mom will answer, "that's your choice." 

Pertaining to Macbeth, yes his wife is so ambitious. She suggested the murder, influenced  her husband to do such wrongdoing and she is so determine that "[a] little water clears us of this deed". However later, she becomes wracked with guilt from the crimes she and her husband have committed. In the sleepwalk, she tries to wash off imaginary bloodstains from her hands, all the while speaking of the terrible things she knows she pressed her husband to do- she dreams high, but it kills her. 

And Macbeth, even though the witches gave him the prophecies, but it is his choice to follow his wife's plan to murder Duncan and yet more people. The witches never ask him to murder people, they just told him what will happen. But, AMBITIOUS led him to grasp the dream faster. Who knows, if Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were not so ambitious to obtain kingship, maybe one fine day, Macbeth could be the real king in a right way. Maybe Malcolm dies naturally in the act of God then Duncan appoints Macbeth as the king. Who knows.. who knows.. Whatever it is, always do things in a good faith, it pays sooner or later. 

1 comment:

  1. I believe that Macbeth will become King someday without all those blood and gore involved. He just had to be patient. Everything is already written and at the beginning you can see that he believed in fate. With a bit of push from the witches/bitches, his doubts his initial belief.

    Parents' expectations are always most difficult to deal with. But always remember that they always have the best intentions at heart. You are lucky that you could actually slip your way out of those expectations. Do your best in what you have chosen! All the best!
