Monday 7 May 2012

The weird me.........

Have I heard about Macbeth before?.....Yes, I did....I've heard about it from my best friend in Terengganu....... She is doing Tesl in UPSI......However, I've been truly introduced to the Macbeth when Miss Dzelfa had first brought it to class during our first test.....At first, It never occur to me that there were actually two Macbeth in the text.. Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth……I do not know why, but I think that it was because in my mind Macbeth was always a girl/woman ( before I did the research on the text )……..Thus, when I read the different extracts that have been given to me in the class, I could not make sense of certain events in the Macbeth....- Of course I can’t make sense out of it since the events that happened in the extracts was not all about Lady Macbeth (female Macbeth).. But sometimes, it is about Macbeth (I mean the male Macbeth)…. Even though, I had the perception that there was only one Macbeth which is female Macbeth……However, as an avid reader I did realize that something not right on my perception since normally dialogues/ language used by female and male is different. No wonder, I’ve thought that Lady Macbeth’s dialogue was sometimes very rough (like a man language – Of course it was “man language” because IT WAS MACBETH’S dialogue not his wife)... Now, I’ve figured out the confusion that I have created by myself………”As a conclusion, impression of the gender towards characters does count in order to avoid brain complication“this statement I speak only for myself because I was crazy enough to make such impression…..

p/s : Do not worry Miss Dzelfa, now I know the difference…..hihihihi….and by the way I have spelled Macbeth as Mc beth before.. but I know it was wrong since the system in MPH Bookstore do not has the data about “Mc beth” but they do have about Macbeth..hahahha


1 comment:

  1. You are not the first to think that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the same person! And yes he is MACbeth, Mac being the common type of name for people in Scotland. MacDonald, MacDowell, MacDuff etc.

    What about those from Ireland and Wales?
