Monday 7 May 2012

Do i heart Macbeth? (Zara-1st)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (1st post)

Hi dearies. Shiau Yin has named this blog as 'I heart Macbeth'; i am wondering, do i love Macbeth? Maybe after I know the whole story i would fall in love with it. I ever heard about Macbeth, but i never read it even the synopsis. But now i did read the synopsis :) At the first place, the only thing i know about Macbeth is, it's Shakespeare's. I love his poems, but for classic transcripts, it's hard for me to read. For the first time i heard about Macbeth during my secondary, i suddenly thought about the tv series of 'Ally Mcbeal' starring by Calista Flockhart. Maybe it's because of the similarity of pronunciation. hehehe... The only serious play of Shakespeare that i read is Hamlet.  i guess it's an original version book. I was curious to know the real story after watching the movie version starring by Kenneth Branagh n Kate Winslet on tv.

Who is Shakespeare in my eyes? I already knew about Shakespeare before i enter secondary school because i read about his great masterpiece in newspapers/magazines, when there were new drama/theater/soaps had been published based on Shakespearean. And lastly, my sister gave me a book entitled 'The Sonnets-Poems of Love by William Shakespeare, published by St.Martin Press New York. It has 154 sonnets, i've read most of the poem but just read, but not really understand until i do Tesl. (^^.")

I adore Shakespeare, but i don't read much on his works. I read Measure for Measure, King Lear in drama class, but i didnt read it fully; too long. And of course Romeo & Juliet, the ultimate one which is very synonym with Shakespeare, this one i read many abridged versions of it. Poems, for sure the first one i read was Life Brief Candle because it was in kbsm Literature Component for form 1 and followed by Sonnet 18 in form 4 (1st cycle). Other plays by Shakepeare that i have heard are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Cleopatra, King Lear, Measure for Measure, Othello, Midsummer..., Wives windsor... Verona.... I can't remember the last three, it just came across my mind.

So, after the project is done, i hope I heart MACBETH!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you were already exposed to Shakespeare before secondary school!

    Sonnet 18 and Life's Brief Candle were two of Shakespeare's pieces introduced to you all in secondary school. Then you went on to learn more texts in higher education.

    Hopefully with this project and a little bit of discussion in class, you will be adventurous to try more of the bard's work.
