Tuesday 5 June 2012

Finally.. (Zara-10th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (10th post)

Yeah.. finally, my 10th post. it's quite hard to update at home because of the house chores :) What is the best in learning Macbeth this semester is my Weird Sisters. I love my group. Because of them, i have the courage to carry  on. Never thought the combination of these five girls will be super awesome! We complement each other so much. I'm gonna miss the moments of sleepless nights together, having dinner while doing assignments and silly jokes time. And from the bottom of my heart, i think you, Miss Dzeelfa, is a great lecturer. I feel the enthusiasm in your class. Even though i may not end up as a teacher, but i will hold tight every lesson of yours. If every lecturer has the positive mind and creative methods like you, Malaysia would have great teacher trainers. I guess. This blog is full with memories. Till then...

Witches vs. Banquet (Zara-9th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (9th post)

Hmm.. there's quite a number of differences between 1st and 2nd video; in the aspects of language, scene, characters, setting, level of difficulties and group members.

For language, certainly it's a big difference. In the 1st video, we need to use the lines in the classic version while in the 2nd video, we use Malay with our own dialects, by which i think the result is outstanding. In the 1st video, my group and i did the witches scene. We still need to memorize the dialogue even though we use dubbing technique because we don't want to see our mouth movement veer from the lines said. And for the witches appearance, we need to think of something that make some differences from the witches depicted in the movies, so we chose to portray the witches as beautiful but weird. For the 2nd video, my group and i were assigned to do Banquet scene. From this scene, i understand more about Banquo, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because we need to study their characteristics deeply in order to translate the scripts into Malay, and to make it sounds and looks naturally.

In the 1st video, i play the Second Witch. it's quite okay because i was still in woman figure. However, in 2nd video, I acted as Ross, just a minor character, but in appearance, i need to dress as a man and move manly- which i never do it before! Setting aspect, for the first video we need to find a place like heath, where we just made it in Kolej Canselor area and football field. For 2nd video, we made it at 6th College where they have a hut with tables and seats, which we think suitable for banquet scene. But the weakness of this video, we didn't bring food to make it real. We were running out of time, we have to make the shooting in the morning. Otherwise, our video will be interrupted with people, voices and noise. 

About the level of difficulties, i think the preparation is quite hard for the first video,  besides at that time we just learnt about Macbeth. But for the second video, i have some confidence as i could say i now know the whole story line. The element that we need to stress is characteristic and intonation because they will help to deliver the message even though without subtitle. The last but not least about difference is group member. It's not a big deal actually. Just we lost our Cik Siti Wan Kembang (Shiau Yin) in this group. hehe.. Working with Zulaikha and Farah doesn't matter at all. Overall, i love Macbeth project!

Mekbeth's Journey (Zara-8th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (8th post)

Hi again. A retrospective entry on the making of second video for Macbeth project. I was so excited when we were assigned to do the second video in our own dialect, but some worries too, because i afraid if we can't do it very nice as we don't have so much time. We did the shooting quite early but the final process came a bit late because it was separated for two people- Zu did the editing and I did the subtitle part. 

This time I did the video with two different group members, Zulaikha and Farah; but Fatin Nabila, Nik, Nadiya are as always. Five of us are from east-cost and Farah is from Kedah. We decided to make it very traditional- we borrowed the Baju Melayus from the boys and used very Malay culture background music for the video. We have to make a video on the Banquet Scene where the ghost of Banquo appears.We name our new group as 'MEKBETH'  because 'MEK' portrays the ladies from east cost.

About the characters, we gave Nadiya and Nik the main roles, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth; because we want to feature them as much as possible in the video and also, they both have the same Kelantanese dialect even though Nadiya is from Besut, Terengganu. The rest of us just play the supporting roles, we didn't have to speak much. Zulaikha plays the 1st Murderer, Farah as Banquo's ghost, Fatin as Lennox and I as Ross. As we didnt have so many lines to remembered, we helped Nadiya and Nik to translate their scripts. However, they both already did a great job by just saying the lines spontaneously. 

Nadiya was very nervous at first, but she is really really outstanding in the middle of recording. Nik was excellent too by using 'exotic' Kelantanese words in her lines which i don't understand some of them. I praise Nadiya and Nik more because they plays difficult roles. The rest of us did well too. Farah as the the ghost of Banquo with Northern dialect splashed a little different in our video; and others are good as usual. Certainly.

But i feel regret and sad because i could not manage to finish the subtitle, as i experienced technical problem at last minute. However i feel a bit relief when the class enjoyed our simple video. :) Thank you Miss Dzeelfa and Rockers.

My Persona Poem (Zara-7th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (7th post)

First of all, thank you so much to Miss Dzeelfa for giving me an extension for the rest of blog entries. Got some problems with telco and also small kids at home. Okay, this is my persona poem. sorry for a late update about it. I make them for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as I feel they contradict each other.

Your Majesty,
 Impatient, Fragile, Unfixed, Cruel,
The resident of Dunsinane Hill,
Who loves his Lady, loves to seek for the witches and  his fate,
Who fears his Queen, insecurity and the shadows of his victims,
The false King of Scotland,
King Macbeth.

The Late Queen,
Smart, Powerful, Provocative, Malicious,
The dearest partner of greatness,
Who loves wealth, high status and loves to be Queen,
Who fears bad dreams, the spots and herself,
The dearest love of Macbeth,
Lady Macbeth.

Sunday 3 June 2012

A Wonderful Witches Experience

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 10th post

I love the Five Weird Sister!!!!

After 3 years of doing group works with different people in our batch, I have to say that until now this is the best group ever!....We support each other all through the first meeting towards the last. We work as a team. While we are doing our meeting, we play together, joke together, eat together and bully together. There is no back stabs, no finger pointing, and no fighting. Only good steady support all the way.

I have no idea why we are so sync together. But it is amazing that we would all have the same idea (or slightly the same idea) and are able to think alike in so many ways.

Even when we had to do a video,  the first thing we agreed on is to do the witches scene.

Thank you, Ms Dzelfa for giving me this opportunity to be with my wonderful weird sisters and thank you to my weird sisters for backing me up when I am drowning because of some other matters.

It's the best group work member that I ever have!

Love you guys sooooo much!...Weird Witches all the way!!!

Girls, We Run the World!!!

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 9th post

 A translated Chinese saying : "A Hero cannot pass through the obstacles in the form of a beautiful woman"

Think of Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria etc... All those wonderful, powerful and influential women. I think Lady Macbeth should be one of them.

Woman is such a wonderful creation. Old Chinese aunty always say that woman should follow the men or that a woman's place is in the kitchen. In this age, people are slowly discarding this thinking, but there are still some Chinese aunty that hold true to this thinking. It does make me wonder why.

In the KL life, I think that this thinking should not exist. In KL, both the husband and wife will work to support their family, but why is it that woman should still clean the house and do the laundry when they are now working side by side with their husbands.

Look at Act 1 Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth has to push Macbeth to stay with the plan. If it was not because of Lady Macbeth, I believe that Macbeth might not be able to achieve greatness as the King of Scotland.

Second Video (The Making)

Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

We start recording in the morning and we choose a place that have table because it suitable for our scene. When we start recording, I have a little problem to pronounce Kelantan dialect because I keep  mix up Kelantan dialect with modern language like thank you, ok and others. But overall for me making this video is more fun because I actually can understand the story and I don't feel stress at all.