Tuesday 5 June 2012

Finally.. (Zara-10th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (10th post)

Yeah.. finally, my 10th post. it's quite hard to update at home because of the house chores :) What is the best in learning Macbeth this semester is my Weird Sisters. I love my group. Because of them, i have the courage to carry  on. Never thought the combination of these five girls will be super awesome! We complement each other so much. I'm gonna miss the moments of sleepless nights together, having dinner while doing assignments and silly jokes time. And from the bottom of my heart, i think you, Miss Dzeelfa, is a great lecturer. I feel the enthusiasm in your class. Even though i may not end up as a teacher, but i will hold tight every lesson of yours. If every lecturer has the positive mind and creative methods like you, Malaysia would have great teacher trainers. I guess. This blog is full with memories. Till then...

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