Sunday 3 June 2012

Persona Poem

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 5th post

This dedicate this poem to Lady Macbeth. She is one the character that I like (at the beginning of the story). The other characters that I like is the Three weird witches. My final decision to go with Lady Macbeth for this poem is because of Queen Ravenna in the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman". She was so evil that I was reminded again of Lady Macbeth when she was in her evil glory. So here goes:

Lady Macbeth,
Strong, Beautiful, Manipulative and Brilliant
A inspiration to all feminist female,
Who loves power, the feeling of achievement and  being acknowledge for the strength
Who hates Macbeth's kindness, weak will and  strange behavior,
Who wants her husband to achieve greatness, achieve her own acknowledgement and the greatness of Scotland
Resident in Shakespeare's Tragedy Play, "Macbeth"
Lady Macbeth.

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