Sunday 3 June 2012

Girls, We Run the World!!!

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 9th post

 A translated Chinese saying : "A Hero cannot pass through the obstacles in the form of a beautiful woman"

Think of Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria etc... All those wonderful, powerful and influential women. I think Lady Macbeth should be one of them.

Woman is such a wonderful creation. Old Chinese aunty always say that woman should follow the men or that a woman's place is in the kitchen. In this age, people are slowly discarding this thinking, but there are still some Chinese aunty that hold true to this thinking. It does make me wonder why.

In the KL life, I think that this thinking should not exist. In KL, both the husband and wife will work to support their family, but why is it that woman should still clean the house and do the laundry when they are now working side by side with their husbands.

Look at Act 1 Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth has to push Macbeth to stay with the plan. If it was not because of Lady Macbeth, I believe that Macbeth might not be able to achieve greatness as the King of Scotland.

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