Sunday 3 June 2012

An Everyday Masquarade Ball

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 8th post

False face must hide what the false heart doth know

I would like to continue with Fatin's post about the above phrase. I am able to relate to this after I came to study in UPM.
When I was going into my form 4 years, I remembered my mother's advice, "Be careful when choosing your friend". During that time, I was going to study in the Art class, so I thought she meant that I should not befriend those who have discipline problem. 

But after coming to study in UPM, I finally understood what those words meant. I am able to relate it to Macbeth's line above. This is because in this world everyone wears a mask. Everyone wears a different mask with a different person and for a different purpose.

I myself learn to create a mask for a different occasion. I am childish when I am with my parents. I am flirty when I am with Sharmila, Faizah and Nisa (from the Hats). I am bossy when I am with the other four weird sister. I am professional when I am doing my micro teaching. I am polite when I talk to my elders and my educators. I am unsure how many masks do I wear throughout my life, but I am sure that I will continue to create more mask for every new situation and new individuals that I would meet in the future.

Everyone wears a mask. I wear a different mask so that I can blend into others' life. I have met some people that wears a mask to hide the ugliness underneath. Only now did I realized that my mom's advice meant and the phrase "False face must hide what the false heart doth know". It meant that I should be careful when looking for a friend because there a some who will stab you and use you and leave you when you have no value to them.

I have met a few people like that and I think it is actually a necessity for all that we wear a different mask because :
1. we are a collective culture so we cannot live alone
2. it is impossible for everyone to like you and you to like everyone

So I have compared our life with an ongoing masquerade ball t

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