Sunday 3 June 2012

The five weird sisters (9)

Nik musaini nik Mustapha

The five weird sisters that is really weird. We are zara, leng lui(shiauyin), fatin, nadiya and me(nik). I think this group name really suits us because our brain did function in a weird way. When we are discussing about the tasks, all of us must think about the same idea (more or less), same activities and same interpretation, but of course we express it in a different way. It’s not that our brian are so much alike.. J

We are feminist, we believe in fate, we like Lady Macbeth character, and we can work till early morning and go to morning class without any problem (I think).  We also don’t really like Macbeth attitude and most of all really we are weird in our own way. I like to be in this group because they really know he to back me up. They really know how to make me feel a little confident and make me overcome (a little bit) my nervous when it’s my turn to present our tasks. They are like my Lady Macbeth to a Macbeth (which I am the weak Macbeth, figuratively).

I’ve learned a lot this time, through this group, through the video-making process, through the class, through Macbeth play and most of all through you, miss Dzeelfa.  It really do change my perspective of how to look at something, how to look at life. And I’m glad to learned all this experiences. Hopefully I still can find u if I need to ask about something (that has to do with literature, of course. Don’t worry, insyaAllah I won’t make you feel miserable..hehe) =)

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