Sunday 3 June 2012

Wear your mask people......hahaha ( FATIN NABILA 5TH POST )

False face must hide what the false heart doth know

Nice line from Macbeth....... I like the line because the line actually portrays the real characteristic of human being... Even though it is not a positive traits that any human can have but it does shows that human being can be very cruel on certain extend..... Being fake is cruel and it is a lie because it denied the right of a person to know the truth.... Fake people are everywhere.... They can pretend to like you, however   you will never know what is behind the masks.. The mask here can actually refer to the false face that Macbeth has mentioned. The mask is used to conceal the false heart that exists in someone....... I can relate this to myself because in order to please people, we need to learn how to fake something... Yes, “fakeness” is not a great thing to do, however it is essential in today’s life..... I am a very stubborn, bossy and bad-tempered person... Does that mean that I can simply shove it and wear my crazy attitude in front of other people....some people say that you just need to please yourself and not anybody else...? Does it 100 % true? Does it really work? I believe not... In order to function well in our collective society...we need to be able to conceal something that is not good about ourselves but try to make ourselves more presentable.....  Some people just like to say out like that they can function alone without depending on anybody... For is just some point in our life, we need the very least we need people to bury us when we are dead.... (I know it is harsh, but I just type what my friend’s mum used to tell me in Terengganu dialect)= (“ Dok soh beng kate la, kite ni dok perlu orang laen...kekgi2 biler mati nok suh org gop gali kubur kite, jadi jangan sombong2”)......funny.......hahaha

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