Tuesday 5 June 2012

Witches vs. Banquet (Zara-9th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (9th post)

Hmm.. there's quite a number of differences between 1st and 2nd video; in the aspects of language, scene, characters, setting, level of difficulties and group members.

For language, certainly it's a big difference. In the 1st video, we need to use the lines in the classic version while in the 2nd video, we use Malay with our own dialects, by which i think the result is outstanding. In the 1st video, my group and i did the witches scene. We still need to memorize the dialogue even though we use dubbing technique because we don't want to see our mouth movement veer from the lines said. And for the witches appearance, we need to think of something that make some differences from the witches depicted in the movies, so we chose to portray the witches as beautiful but weird. For the 2nd video, my group and i were assigned to do Banquet scene. From this scene, i understand more about Banquo, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because we need to study their characteristics deeply in order to translate the scripts into Malay, and to make it sounds and looks naturally.

In the 1st video, i play the Second Witch. it's quite okay because i was still in woman figure. However, in 2nd video, I acted as Ross, just a minor character, but in appearance, i need to dress as a man and move manly- which i never do it before! Setting aspect, for the first video we need to find a place like heath, where we just made it in Kolej Canselor area and football field. For 2nd video, we made it at 6th College where they have a hut with tables and seats, which we think suitable for banquet scene. But the weakness of this video, we didn't bring food to make it real. We were running out of time, we have to make the shooting in the morning. Otherwise, our video will be interrupted with people, voices and noise. 

About the level of difficulties, i think the preparation is quite hard for the first video,  besides at that time we just learnt about Macbeth. But for the second video, i have some confidence as i could say i now know the whole story line. The element that we need to stress is characteristic and intonation because they will help to deliver the message even though without subtitle. The last but not least about difference is group member. It's not a big deal actually. Just we lost our Cik Siti Wan Kembang (Shiau Yin) in this group. hehe.. Working with Zulaikha and Farah doesn't matter at all. Overall, i love Macbeth project!

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