Sunday 3 June 2012

Woman....Born or made to be such a b****?

 Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 7th Post

Before I continue, I would like to say sorry for the "B" word....But I couldn't think of a word that would make it sound "right"....Today I had a female friend (A) who had some problem with another of her female friend (B)....They started fighting because B started using not very good language to talk to her, and A got angry and reply with the same attitude....and they had a really really big big fight about it.....

This A's problem started to make me think about woman and some of their B-ness attitude.

Then, I remembered about Queen Ravenna from "Snow White and the Huntsman".

After that I started thinking if there was a reason that Lady Macbeth was sooooooo evil (others opinion but not mine) in the play. I believe that every human are born with a pure heart, but along the way of growing up, something must have happen that made them turn evil.

For example, Queen Ravenna had a really bad experience when she was young. Her family was killed when she was young, and her previous husband treated her like as a result, she values her beauty because it is also a source of her magic...but even if she is evil to her subjects, she still values her brother.

This makes me wonder if there was a history behind Lady Macbeth's past that made her the way she is.

It also leads me to wonder about the B-ness attitude....I wonder about the different purpose that woman would use it for....For example, I think some might use it as a defense for their fragile heart,
others might use it to show their power or to express their anger....

Personally, I love it when a woman shows a B-ness attitude in life because it shows that they are confident with themselves and they are true to themselves. This is an attitude that I as slowly accepting into my life because of some emotional pain that was inflicted on me. I learned that I cannot please everyone and that some people are just flat out weird (and not in a good way). They might just not like you for no particular reason. Therefore, I learn to not always care too much about what people might say about me. Because three out of three times that I met someone I had a problem with, I learned from others that it was not because by me. A big majority of everyone else had the same problem with their attitude. So I learn to not always second guess myself.

But my friend's, A, cause me to rethink about the B-ness attitude that I am slowly accepting into my life. It reminded me when I was at the receiving end of such an attitude.

I was made to accept the B-ness attitude because of what I had experience....But I wonder if Lady Macbeth whom I adore is a born B or is she made into one?

Bottom line, I believe that she is made into one, because at the end of the play, she felt guilty about all the bad things that she had done. If she was a born B, then she would definitely not feel any hint of remorse nor guilt. But that's just my thought on the matter.

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