Sunday 3 June 2012

The spirit of Weird sisters ( FATIN NABILA 9TH POST )

 Despite their bad appearance and attitude... In my opinion, the Weird sisters’ also have their very own great value..... They hold on tightly to their friendship between each other and also willing to stand behind one another against everything.....
FIRST WITCH      :   A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap,
      And munched, and munched, and munched. “Give me,”
               quoth I.
     “Aroint thee, witch!” the rump-fed runnion cries.
     Her husband’s to Aleppo gone, master o' th' Tiger;
     But in a sieve I’ll thither sail,
    And like a rat without a tail,
    I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.
SECOND WITCH  :I’ll give thee a wind.
FIRST WITCH      : Thou 'rt kind.
I myself have all the other,
And the very ports they blow,
All the quarters that they know
I' th' shipman’s card.
I’ll drain him dry as hay.
Sleep shall neither night nor day
Hang upon his penthouse lid.
He shall live a man forbid.
Weary sev'nnights nine times nine
Shall he dwindle, peak and pine. Though his bark cannot be lost,
Yet it shall be tempest-tossed.Look what I have.Although I can’t make
his ship disappear, I can still make his journey miserable. Look what I have here.

SECOND WITCH :Show me, show me.
FIRST WITCH      :Here I have a pilot’s thumb,
  Wrecked as homeward he did come.

They defend their sisters no matter what happen........ For me, the quality in them makes them very strong............. I believe that, in order to be strong and produce quality work.... Each of a group member needs to be able to work together peacefully..... For example, our very own 5 weird sisters....sincerely, I love them.....We are able to work well together...In our group, we never split the work (weekly assignments)....we just do everything together....meaning that, everybody is involved in each of the process...... Thus, every one of us was able to present any part in our presentation slides.... But, of course we need to split the part during presentation........ Since, we have quite good feedbacks about our presentation on the materials........It’s actually a prove that when we have strong relationship in our case “ sistership” we can do great in everything...... As for 5 weird sisters... we still call each other sister which stand for weird sisters.........
p/s :  maybe because of our name ,  WE HAVE POSSESS THE REAL WEIRD SISTERS SPIRIT.....hihihihihihihi......

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