Tuesday 5 June 2012

Finally.. (Zara-10th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (10th post)

Yeah.. finally, my 10th post. it's quite hard to update at home because of the house chores :) What is the best in learning Macbeth this semester is my Weird Sisters. I love my group. Because of them, i have the courage to carry  on. Never thought the combination of these five girls will be super awesome! We complement each other so much. I'm gonna miss the moments of sleepless nights together, having dinner while doing assignments and silly jokes time. And from the bottom of my heart, i think you, Miss Dzeelfa, is a great lecturer. I feel the enthusiasm in your class. Even though i may not end up as a teacher, but i will hold tight every lesson of yours. If every lecturer has the positive mind and creative methods like you, Malaysia would have great teacher trainers. I guess. This blog is full with memories. Till then...

Witches vs. Banquet (Zara-9th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (9th post)

Hmm.. there's quite a number of differences between 1st and 2nd video; in the aspects of language, scene, characters, setting, level of difficulties and group members.

For language, certainly it's a big difference. In the 1st video, we need to use the lines in the classic version while in the 2nd video, we use Malay with our own dialects, by which i think the result is outstanding. In the 1st video, my group and i did the witches scene. We still need to memorize the dialogue even though we use dubbing technique because we don't want to see our mouth movement veer from the lines said. And for the witches appearance, we need to think of something that make some differences from the witches depicted in the movies, so we chose to portray the witches as beautiful but weird. For the 2nd video, my group and i were assigned to do Banquet scene. From this scene, i understand more about Banquo, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because we need to study their characteristics deeply in order to translate the scripts into Malay, and to make it sounds and looks naturally.

In the 1st video, i play the Second Witch. it's quite okay because i was still in woman figure. However, in 2nd video, I acted as Ross, just a minor character, but in appearance, i need to dress as a man and move manly- which i never do it before! Setting aspect, for the first video we need to find a place like heath, where we just made it in Kolej Canselor area and football field. For 2nd video, we made it at 6th College where they have a hut with tables and seats, which we think suitable for banquet scene. But the weakness of this video, we didn't bring food to make it real. We were running out of time, we have to make the shooting in the morning. Otherwise, our video will be interrupted with people, voices and noise. 

About the level of difficulties, i think the preparation is quite hard for the first video,  besides at that time we just learnt about Macbeth. But for the second video, i have some confidence as i could say i now know the whole story line. The element that we need to stress is characteristic and intonation because they will help to deliver the message even though without subtitle. The last but not least about difference is group member. It's not a big deal actually. Just we lost our Cik Siti Wan Kembang (Shiau Yin) in this group. hehe.. Working with Zulaikha and Farah doesn't matter at all. Overall, i love Macbeth project!

Mekbeth's Journey (Zara-8th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (8th post)

Hi again. A retrospective entry on the making of second video for Macbeth project. I was so excited when we were assigned to do the second video in our own dialect, but some worries too, because i afraid if we can't do it very nice as we don't have so much time. We did the shooting quite early but the final process came a bit late because it was separated for two people- Zu did the editing and I did the subtitle part. 

This time I did the video with two different group members, Zulaikha and Farah; but Fatin Nabila, Nik, Nadiya are as always. Five of us are from east-cost and Farah is from Kedah. We decided to make it very traditional- we borrowed the Baju Melayus from the boys and used very Malay culture background music for the video. We have to make a video on the Banquet Scene where the ghost of Banquo appears.We name our new group as 'MEKBETH'  because 'MEK' portrays the ladies from east cost.

About the characters, we gave Nadiya and Nik the main roles, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth; because we want to feature them as much as possible in the video and also, they both have the same Kelantanese dialect even though Nadiya is from Besut, Terengganu. The rest of us just play the supporting roles, we didn't have to speak much. Zulaikha plays the 1st Murderer, Farah as Banquo's ghost, Fatin as Lennox and I as Ross. As we didnt have so many lines to remembered, we helped Nadiya and Nik to translate their scripts. However, they both already did a great job by just saying the lines spontaneously. 

Nadiya was very nervous at first, but she is really really outstanding in the middle of recording. Nik was excellent too by using 'exotic' Kelantanese words in her lines which i don't understand some of them. I praise Nadiya and Nik more because they plays difficult roles. The rest of us did well too. Farah as the the ghost of Banquo with Northern dialect splashed a little different in our video; and others are good as usual. Certainly.

But i feel regret and sad because i could not manage to finish the subtitle, as i experienced technical problem at last minute. However i feel a bit relief when the class enjoyed our simple video. :) Thank you Miss Dzeelfa and Rockers.

My Persona Poem (Zara-7th)

-ZAHIRAH MUSTAFA- (7th post)

First of all, thank you so much to Miss Dzeelfa for giving me an extension for the rest of blog entries. Got some problems with telco and also small kids at home. Okay, this is my persona poem. sorry for a late update about it. I make them for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as I feel they contradict each other.

Your Majesty,
 Impatient, Fragile, Unfixed, Cruel,
The resident of Dunsinane Hill,
Who loves his Lady, loves to seek for the witches and  his fate,
Who fears his Queen, insecurity and the shadows of his victims,
The false King of Scotland,
King Macbeth.

The Late Queen,
Smart, Powerful, Provocative, Malicious,
The dearest partner of greatness,
Who loves wealth, high status and loves to be Queen,
Who fears bad dreams, the spots and herself,
The dearest love of Macbeth,
Lady Macbeth.

Sunday 3 June 2012

A Wonderful Witches Experience

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 10th post

I love the Five Weird Sister!!!!

After 3 years of doing group works with different people in our batch, I have to say that until now this is the best group ever!....We support each other all through the first meeting towards the last. We work as a team. While we are doing our meeting, we play together, joke together, eat together and bully together. There is no back stabs, no finger pointing, and no fighting. Only good steady support all the way.

I have no idea why we are so sync together. But it is amazing that we would all have the same idea (or slightly the same idea) and are able to think alike in so many ways.

Even when we had to do a video,  the first thing we agreed on is to do the witches scene.

Thank you, Ms Dzelfa for giving me this opportunity to be with my wonderful weird sisters and thank you to my weird sisters for backing me up when I am drowning because of some other matters.

It's the best group work member that I ever have!

Love you guys sooooo much!...Weird Witches all the way!!!

Girls, We Run the World!!!

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 9th post

 A translated Chinese saying : "A Hero cannot pass through the obstacles in the form of a beautiful woman"

Think of Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria etc... All those wonderful, powerful and influential women. I think Lady Macbeth should be one of them.

Woman is such a wonderful creation. Old Chinese aunty always say that woman should follow the men or that a woman's place is in the kitchen. In this age, people are slowly discarding this thinking, but there are still some Chinese aunty that hold true to this thinking. It does make me wonder why.

In the KL life, I think that this thinking should not exist. In KL, both the husband and wife will work to support their family, but why is it that woman should still clean the house and do the laundry when they are now working side by side with their husbands.

Look at Act 1 Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth has to push Macbeth to stay with the plan. If it was not because of Lady Macbeth, I believe that Macbeth might not be able to achieve greatness as the King of Scotland.

Second Video (The Making)

Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

We start recording in the morning and we choose a place that have table because it suitable for our scene. When we start recording, I have a little problem to pronounce Kelantan dialect because I keep  mix up Kelantan dialect with modern language like thank you, ok and others. But overall for me making this video is more fun because I actually can understand the story and I don't feel stress at all.

An Everyday Masquarade Ball

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 8th post

False face must hide what the false heart doth know

I would like to continue with Fatin's post about the above phrase. I am able to relate to this after I came to study in UPM.
When I was going into my form 4 years, I remembered my mother's advice, "Be careful when choosing your friend". During that time, I was going to study in the Art class, so I thought she meant that I should not befriend those who have discipline problem. 

But after coming to study in UPM, I finally understood what those words meant. I am able to relate it to Macbeth's line above. This is because in this world everyone wears a mask. Everyone wears a different mask with a different person and for a different purpose.

I myself learn to create a mask for a different occasion. I am childish when I am with my parents. I am flirty when I am with Sharmila, Faizah and Nisa (from the Hats). I am bossy when I am with the other four weird sister. I am professional when I am doing my micro teaching. I am polite when I talk to my elders and my educators. I am unsure how many masks do I wear throughout my life, but I am sure that I will continue to create more mask for every new situation and new individuals that I would meet in the future.

Everyone wears a mask. I wear a different mask so that I can blend into others' life. I have met some people that wears a mask to hide the ugliness underneath. Only now did I realized that my mom's advice meant and the phrase "False face must hide what the false heart doth know". It meant that I should be careful when looking for a friend because there a some who will stab you and use you and leave you when you have no value to them.

I have met a few people like that and I think it is actually a necessity for all that we wear a different mask because :
1. we are a collective culture so we cannot live alone
2. it is impossible for everyone to like you and you to like everyone

So I have compared our life with an ongoing masquerade ball t

Second Video (Meting)

Nurul Nadiya Binti Mohamad Rasdi (153474)

We have a meting to discuss on our second video about Macbeth. For this video I think that the making of this video will be a lot of fun then the other video that we make. For this video my new group member want me as Macbeth and Nik as Lady Macbeth because be both can spoke Kelantan language. In this meting we discuss our dialogue and we try to say in our language but there a lot of dialogue in Macbeth that I didn't understand. So I try to find the translation of the dialogue in the scene that we suppose to do, to understand the story better.

Woman....Born or made to be such a b****?

 Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 7th Post

Before I continue, I would like to say sorry for the "B" word....But I couldn't think of a word that would make it sound "right"....Today I had a female friend (A) who had some problem with another of her female friend (B)....They started fighting because B started using not very good language to talk to her, and A got angry and reply with the same attitude....and they had a really really big big fight about it.....

This A's problem started to make me think about woman and some of their B-ness attitude.

Then, I remembered about Queen Ravenna from "Snow White and the Huntsman".

After that I started thinking if there was a reason that Lady Macbeth was sooooooo evil (others opinion but not mine) in the play. I believe that every human are born with a pure heart, but along the way of growing up, something must have happen that made them turn evil.

For example, Queen Ravenna had a really bad experience when she was young. Her family was killed when she was young, and her previous husband treated her like trash....so as a result, she values her beauty because it is also a source of her magic...but even if she is evil to her subjects, she still values her brother.

This makes me wonder if there was a history behind Lady Macbeth's past that made her the way she is.

It also leads me to wonder about the B-ness attitude....I wonder about the different purpose that woman would use it for....For example, I think some might use it as a defense for their fragile heart,
others might use it to show their power or to express their anger....

Personally, I love it when a woman shows a B-ness attitude in life because it shows that they are confident with themselves and they are true to themselves. This is an attitude that I as slowly accepting into my life because of some emotional pain that was inflicted on me. I learned that I cannot please everyone and that some people are just flat out weird (and not in a good way). They might just not like you for no particular reason. Therefore, I learn to not always care too much about what people might say about me. Because three out of three times that I met someone I had a problem with, I learned from others that it was not because by me. A big majority of everyone else had the same problem with their attitude. So I learn to not always second guess myself.

But my friend's, A, cause me to rethink about the B-ness attitude that I am slowly accepting into my life. It reminded me when I was at the receiving end of such an attitude.

I was made to accept the B-ness attitude because of what I had experience....But I wonder if Lady Macbeth whom I adore is a born B or is she made into one?

Bottom line, I believe that she is made into one, because at the end of the play, she felt guilty about all the bad things that she had done. If she was a born B, then she would definitely not feel any hint of remorse nor guilt. But that's just my thought on the matter.

Persona poem ( FATIN NABILA 11TH POST )

I dedicate this poem to my favourite character in the Macbeth, Lady Macbeth.

My lady,
Determine, intelligent, cunning and manipulative,
The real Thane of Glamis,
Who loves power, wealth and strong will,
Who hates the small heart of her husband, the guilt that haunts her and the baby that was never in her womb,
The resident of her dark mind,
Lady Macbeth .


Lady Macbeth is very ambitious woman.....Ambitious, is hardly the traits that is used to describe a woman in those days...... She is willing to do anything to achieve her ambition... Since, she is a woman; she needs a man to fulfil her dream... Thus, her husband , Macbeth the man who gave her, his name... the man who makes her a person....who gave her identity.......will be the one who will fulfil all of her dream.....The line below is the prove of her ambitiousness :
The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.
Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
The effect and it! Come to my woman’s breasts,
And take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers,
Wherever in your sightless substances
You wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night,
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark
To cry “Hold, hold!”- LADY MACBETH
Base on the lines, we know that she is willing to shut down her humanity part in order to achieve her ambition....

The spirit of Weird sisters ( FATIN NABILA 9TH POST )

 Despite their bad appearance and attitude... In my opinion, the Weird sisters’ also have their very own great value..... They hold on tightly to their friendship between each other and also willing to stand behind one another against everything.....
FIRST WITCH      :   A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap,
      And munched, and munched, and munched. “Give me,”
               quoth I.
     “Aroint thee, witch!” the rump-fed runnion cries.
     Her husband’s to Aleppo gone, master o' th' Tiger;
     But in a sieve I’ll thither sail,
    And like a rat without a tail,
    I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.
SECOND WITCH  :I’ll give thee a wind.
FIRST WITCH      : Thou 'rt kind.
I myself have all the other,
And the very ports they blow,
All the quarters that they know
I' th' shipman’s card.
I’ll drain him dry as hay.
Sleep shall neither night nor day
Hang upon his penthouse lid.
He shall live a man forbid.
Weary sev'nnights nine times nine
Shall he dwindle, peak and pine. Though his bark cannot be lost,
Yet it shall be tempest-tossed.Look what I have.Although I can’t make
his ship disappear, I can still make his journey miserable. Look what I have here.

SECOND WITCH :Show me, show me.
FIRST WITCH      :Here I have a pilot’s thumb,
  Wrecked as homeward he did come.

They defend their sisters no matter what happen........ For me, the quality in them makes them very strong............. I believe that, in order to be strong and produce quality work.... Each of a group member needs to be able to work together peacefully..... For example, our very own 5 weird sisters....sincerely, I love them.....We are able to work well together...In our group, we never split the work (weekly assignments)....we just do everything together....meaning that, everybody is involved in each of the process...... Thus, every one of us was able to present any part in our presentation slides.... But, of course we need to split the part during presentation........ Since, we have quite good feedbacks about our presentation on the materials........It’s actually a prove that when we have strong relationship in our case “ sistership” we can do great in everything...... As for 5 weird sisters... we still call each other sister which stand for weird sisters.........
p/s :  maybe because of our name ,  WE HAVE POSSESS THE REAL WEIRD SISTERS SPIRIT.....hihihihihihihi......

The power of woman. ( FATIN NABILA 8TH POST )

Behind a great empire there is always a strong woman who makes it happen...... One of a trait that can make woman a great influence of the rise and fall of certain empire is a skill to manipulate......Even though women are not strong physically but they have very strong heart which is a source of their actions....For example, Lady Macbeth are able to persuade her husband to kill Duncan although her husband has a very strong view of not killing Duncan.......  The act of persuasion can be seen in below lines :

MACBETH                            :Prithee, peace:
I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more is none.

LADY MACBETH                : What beast was ’t, then,
 That made you break this enterprise to me?
 When you durst do it, then you were a man;
And to be more than what you were, you would
Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both.
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now
Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know
How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me.
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.

Rational vs Coward ( FATIN NABILA 7TH POST)

MACBETH                   :    We will proceed no further in this business.
 He hath honored me of late, and I have bought
 Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
 Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,
 Not cast aside so soon.
LADY MACBETH           : Was the hope drunk
 Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since?
 And wakes it now, to look so green and pale
 At what it did so freely? From this time
 Such I account thy love. Art thou afeard
 To be the same in thine own act and valor
 As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that
 Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life,
 And live a coward in thine own esteem,
 Letting “I dare not” wait upon “I would, ”
 Like the poor cat i' th' adage?

MACBETH                    :  Prithee, peace:
   I dare do all that may become a man;
   Who dares do more is none.
MACBETH                     : Please, stop! I dare to do only what is proper for a man to do. He who
    dares to do more is not a man at all.

LADY MACBETH             : What beast was ’t, then,
    That made you break this enterprise to me?
    When you durst do it, then you were a man;
    And to be more than what you were, you would
    Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place
    Did then adhere, and yet you would make both.
    They have made themselves, and that their fitness now
    Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know
    How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me.
    I would, while it was smiling in my face,
    Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
    And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
    Have done to this.

Why Macbeth hesitate before killing Duncan? And only kill him after being provoked by his wife? Is he a rational person of just being coward? I don’t think that being coward is the main reason of his hesitation towards the killing.... it is because he is a very strong and brave person who can go through war with success... In my opinion, he is just a noble guy ....... I believe that he really appreciates the good deed that  Duncan has done to him.... and Duncan also expresses his love to Macbeth:

Duncan: Give me your hand : Conduct me to mine host : We love him highly, And shall continue our graces towards him. By your leave hostess.

The Lady of regret.. ( FATIN NABILA 6TH POST)

Some people said that Lady Macbeth is a woman without a heart.....I am disagree with that statement since it is proven that Lady Macbeth has guilt in her.... I can tell that she really feels guilty and regret of the killing she had involved in.......It is proved in the lines below:

GENTLEWOMAN               : Why, it stood by her. She has light by her continually. 'Tis her command.
DOCTOR                           : You see her eyes are open.
GENTLEWOMAN               : Ay, but their sense is shut.
DOCTOR                           : What is it she does now? Look, how she rubs her hands.
GENTLEWOMAN               : It is an accustomed action with her to seem thus washing her hands.
      I have known her continue in this a quarter of an hour.
LADY MACBETH               : Yet here’s a spot.
DOCTOR                           : Hark! She speaks. I will set down what comes from her, to satisfy my     
      remembrance the more strongly.
LADY MACBETH               : Out, damned spot! Out, I say!—One, two. Why, then, ’tis time to do ’t.
      Hell is murky!—Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard? What need  
      we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?—
      Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood
      in him.
DOCTOR                           : Do you mark that?
LADY MACBETH               : The thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now?—What, will these
       hands ne'er be clean?—No more o' that, my lord, no more o' that. You
      mar all with this starting.

In the novel, she appears as a very strong woman, however behind a strong person... I don’t think anybody can deal with taking anyone life without being tainted with sense of guilt..... The guilt ill haunt them forever......

Wear your mask people......hahaha ( FATIN NABILA 5TH POST )

False face must hide what the false heart doth know

Nice line from Macbeth....... I like the line because the line actually portrays the real characteristic of human being... Even though it is not a positive traits that any human can have but it does shows that human being can be very cruel on certain extend..... Being fake is cruel and it is a lie because it denied the right of a person to know the truth.... Fake people are everywhere.... They can pretend to like you, however   you will never know what is behind the masks.. The mask here can actually refer to the false face that Macbeth has mentioned. The mask is used to conceal the false heart that exists in someone....... I can relate this to myself because in order to please people, we need to learn how to fake something... Yes, “fakeness” is not a great thing to do, however it is essential in today’s life..... I am a very stubborn, bossy and bad-tempered person... Does that mean that I can simply shove it and wear my crazy attitude in front of other people....some people say that you just need to please yourself and not anybody else...? Does it 100 % true? Does it really work? I believe not... In order to function well in our collective society...we need to be able to conceal something that is not good about ourselves but try to make ourselves more presentable.....  Some people just like to say out like that they can function alone without depending on anybody... For me..it is just rubbish....at some point in our life, we need people...at the very least we need people to bury us when we are dead.... (I know it is harsh, but I just type what my friend’s mum used to tell me in Terengganu dialect)= (“ Dok soh beng kate la, kite ni dok perlu orang laen...kekgi2 biler mati nok suh org gop gali kubur kite, jadi jangan sombong2”)......funny.......hahaha

Determination ( FATIN NABILA 4TH POST)

I love Lady Macbeth........I can relate her to myself in some ways..... For me; she is a woman with high determination like myself....it can be seen in my favourite dialogue:

What beast was ’t, then,
That made you break this enterprise to me?
When you durst do it, then you were a man;
And to be more than what you were, you would
Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both.
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now
Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know
How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me.
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.

Before I was a karate do athlete, my right to learn this sport had been denied by my family......the only reason is....I am a girl and girl does not play rough sport...... However, I never gave up passion... after 7 years persuading my family to let me join karate-do... Finally, I was allowed to join... Even though I was 17 years old when I was first join the sport... My determination made me learned very fast....... My sensei (coach) was surprised with my fast progressed.... I’ve learned the movement really fast until my sensei asked me to join my first tournament after only one week training..... I’ve won silver medal for that tournament...... Because of that, my sensei asked me to join State’s Karate-do team which I end up representing Terengganu for SUKMA Melaka, 2010.......... In class, Ms. Dzeelfa once asked the class on whether anyone ever experience physical pain..... My answer to that question is.... Yes, I did...... The training there was very challenging..... Not everyone can stand it..... we need to jog for 2.5 km almost every morning and after that we trained for 5 hours a day....The training session was brutal....We need to be very strong physically and mentally in order to “survive” the training..... During the training, all of us need to be each other punching bag....We need to allow our friend to kick our face and punch our stomach.....The rational of that practice, “ just to make you use to the pain”....sound funny right?...However, it was really working.... After sometimes, every one of us, can’t feel the pain that much....we can literally laugh when someone kick or punch us.....There were only three girls in the dojo (the training place for Terengganu Karate-do athletes)......three crazy girls, I can say...... even though we are girls...we still need to fight boys in our dojo during sparring sessions...........although we lose almost of the time to the boys...we never gave up, we fought hard.....For us injuries such as blisters and tore ligament just normal....we just endure the pain out of determination and passion towards the sport.

1st Video vs 2nd Video

Gan Shiau Yin - 154568  (6th post)

 Hmmmm.....understanding the video......I would guess that both times I have different understanding of the video....For the first video, it was a bit longer so definitely I was able to understand some part of the story...I know that there are three witches that is describe as ugly that Banquo was not able to recognize them as women.....I know that the witches' master is Hecat and that the witches fear her...I know that Macbeth is very demanding when asking for his own prophecy...For the second video, the scene was very short, so I was not able to understand as much as the first video...But I was able to realize that it was in a way a premonition about the whole story of Macbeth....and I also learn that Graymalkin and Paddot were actually the familiar animals of the witches....So all in all, I did learn something different about the video process.

Persona Poem

Gan Shiau Yin (154568) - 5th post

This dedicate this poem to Lady Macbeth. She is one the character that I like (at the beginning of the story). The other characters that I like is the Three weird witches. My final decision to go with Lady Macbeth for this poem is because of Queen Ravenna in the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman". She was so evil that I was reminded again of Lady Macbeth when she was in her evil glory. So here goes:

Lady Macbeth,
Strong, Beautiful, Manipulative and Brilliant
A inspiration to all feminist female,
Who loves power, the feeling of achievement and  being acknowledge for the strength
Who hates Macbeth's kindness, weak will and  strange behavior,
Who wants her husband to achieve greatness, achieve her own acknowledgement and the greatness of Scotland
Resident in Shakespeare's Tragedy Play, "Macbeth"
Lady Macbeth.

Persona poem (11)

Nik musaini nik mustapha

My persona poem is about my favorite character in this play. I choose Lady Macbeth because she is a very wonderful human being. p/s: I’ll just ignore the part where she becomes terrible and kill herself. Well, it is human’s nature to feel the guilt after making some mistakes right? And it shows that she is a normal human being who feels the regret after did some bad deeds

Lady Macbeth
Cunning, ambitious, brave, spirited
A wife of Macbeth
Who loves her husband, to be in control and power
Who hates a coward, a rival and failure
Who wants to see her husband become a king, success work and happiness of herself.
Resident of Macbeth’s heart
Lady Macbeth

the difference making the first and the second video (10)

Nik musaini nik mustapha

In the making of the first video, it is very difficult for me to pronounce the dialogue because i didn't familiar with old English language.  The second hardest thing is to say the dialogue with the right intonation because i have no clue on what i am talking about. After a few class and a few video-making session, then i know what Macbeth is all about and i started to feel a little comfortable to do it. the five weird sisters always discuss together on what,when,where and how to do each scene that we choose. this give us a clearer picture about our video.  We do have to face some difficulties, but we manage to overcome it and i like this new video-making experience.

For the second video, when i know that we need to do it in our state language, i thought that this will be way easier than to first one. But what it is totally wrong. i think it'll be easier if we sit and translate our dialogue together instead of divide our role and translate the dialogue by our self because it will be more link to each dialogue. I think i spoil the video because my voice is not loud and clear enough..huhu

but i like both of our videos because both gives me new experience in making a video.   

The five weird sisters (9)

Nik musaini nik Mustapha

The five weird sisters that is really weird. We are zara, leng lui(shiauyin), fatin, nadiya and me(nik). I think this group name really suits us because our brain did function in a weird way. When we are discussing about the tasks, all of us must think about the same idea (more or less), same activities and same interpretation, but of course we express it in a different way. It’s not that our brian are so much alike.. J

We are feminist, we believe in fate, we like Lady Macbeth character, and we can work till early morning and go to morning class without any problem (I think).  We also don’t really like Macbeth attitude and most of all really we are weird in our own way. I like to be in this group because they really know he to back me up. They really know how to make me feel a little confident and make me overcome (a little bit) my nervous when it’s my turn to present our tasks. They are like my Lady Macbeth to a Macbeth (which I am the weak Macbeth, figuratively).

I’ve learned a lot this time, through this group, through the video-making process, through the class, through Macbeth play and most of all through you, miss Dzeelfa.  It really do change my perspective of how to look at something, how to look at life. And I’m glad to learned all this experiences. Hopefully I still can find u if I need to ask about something (that has to do with literature, of course. Don’t worry, insyaAllah I won’t make you feel miserable..hehe) =)